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¿Cómo comparar si varias celdas son iguales en Excel?

Como todos sabemos, para comparar si dos celdas son iguales, podemos usar la fórmula A1 = B1. Pero, si desea verificar si varias celdas tienen el mismo valor, esta fórmula no funcionará. Hoy, hablaré sobre algunas fórmulas para comparar si varias celdas son iguales en Excel.

Compare si varias celdas son iguales a las fórmulas

flecha azul burbuja derecha Compare si varias celdas son iguales a las fórmulas

Suponiendo que tengo el siguiente rango de datos, ahora necesito saber si los valores en A1: D1 son iguales, para resolver esta tarea, las siguientes fórmulas te ayudarán.


1. En una celda en blanco además de sus datos, ingrese esta fórmula: = Y (EXACTO (A1: D1, A1)), (A1: D1 indica las celdas que desea comparar y A1 es el primer valor en su rango de datos) vea la captura de pantalla:


2. Entonces presione Ctrl + Shift + Enter claves juntas para obtener el resultado, si los valores de la celda son iguales, se mostrará VERDADERO, de lo contrario, mostrará FALSO, ver captura de pantalla:


3. Y seleccione la celda y luego arrastre el controlador de relleno al rango al que desea aplicar esta fórmula, obtendrá el resultado de la siguiente manera:



1. La fórmula anterior distingue entre mayúsculas y minúsculas.

2. Si necesita comparar los valores sin distinguir entre mayúsculas y minúsculas, puede aplicar esta fórmula: = CONTAR.SI (A1: D1, A1) = 4, (A1: D1 indica las celdas que desea comparar, A1 es el primer valor en su rango de datos, y el número 4 se refiere a la cantidad de celdas que desea verificar), luego presione Participar key, y obtendrá el siguiente resultado:


Compare dos rangos y encuentre si las celdas son iguales o no

Con Kutools for Excel, Comparar celdas utilidad, puede encontrar rápidamente valores iguales o diferentes entre dos celdas. ¡Haga clic para descargar Kutools para Excel!

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¿Cómo verificar si el número es entero en Excel?

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hi ... i have a five letter word ... the five letters are in five cells in a row ... i want to put the letters of the word ... into alphabetical order ... into 26 columns ... A to Z
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Hi.. I have a range of cells (say - a1:h1). this range can contain empty cells as well as numbers (at start, middle or end of range). These numbers can be similar or different, at any situation. I need a formula to see if all the 7 cells (a1:h1) have similar value then the similar value should be displayed in cell i1 or an error. Can someone help please.
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I want to compare 3 cells and filter out the rows which doesn’t fulfil the criteria, for example Like 3 columns A,B,C have different values and from these columns if anyone cell doesn’t cross   Like for example 100 that entire row must be deleted 
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Hi,Kishan,Do you mean to delete the rows that the cells are not equal?If so, please apply the formula in this article to test if the cells are equal or not, and then filter based on the formula cells to display all FALSE rows, and last, select and delete the filtered rows as you need.Please try, hope it can help you!
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I am trying to compare the same cell in multiple tabs to see whether the contents are identical.  If so, then return that identical value; and if not, then return "NO".  How am I able to accomplish this?  It appears that the AND(EXACT function doesn't work across multiple sheets.
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hello sir, i have 6 columns of 2 tables in different sheets, but i want to match 2nd tables data with 1st tables data.
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I have two cols with numbers and want to find the matches but the same/ different number are not in the same row. How do i
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Hello, Joanne,Can you give more details of your problem, or you can insert an image of your problem here?Thank you!
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I have a scenario like this I have same values in col A, Col B and Col C ( AA,AA,AA) and I want to return the Same value AA if all 3 in SYNC in col D.Can anyone assist in this ?
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Hello, Prabakar,To solve your problem, please apply the below array formula:=IF(AND(EXACT(A2:C2,A2)),A2,"")
After entering this formula, please remember to press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys together to get the correct result.Please try it.
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Lets asume you have results in Columns A,B and C) starting in second row, For example you can add a helper Colum (all wins/loses) and add =if(Or(And(a2="W",b2="w",C2="W"),(a2="L",b2="L",C2="L"),0,1)And then just perform a sum at the end - the above will assign a 0 value to 3 wins or 3 losses, and a 1 value to other results
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=COUNTIF(A1:D1,A1)=4 ---> mind = blown
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