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¿Cómo ordenar rápidamente filas para que coincidan con otra columna en Excel?

doc sort coincide con otra columna 1
Si tiene dos listas en una hoja y ambas tienen los mismos valores pero en un orden diferente, ¿cómo puede ordenar una lista para que coincida con otra lista como se muestra a continuación? En este artículo, presentaré una fórmula para ayudarlo a resolverlo rápidamente en Excel.
Ordenar filas para que coincidan con otra columna

flecha azul burbuja derecha Ordenar filas para que coincidan con otra columna

Para ordenar filas para que coincidan con otra columna, aquí hay una fórmula que puede ayudarlo.

1. Seleccione una celda en blanco junto a la columna que desea recurrir, por ejemplo B1, y luego ingrese esta fórmula = COINCIDIR (A1, C: C, FALSO)y arrastre el controlador de autocompletar hacia abajo para aplicar esta fórmula. Ver captura de pantalla:
doc sort coincide con otra columna 2

Consejo: C: C es la columna en la que desea recurrir, y A1 es la primera celda de la columna que desea ordenar.

2. Y luego se muestra una lista de números en las celdas de fórmula. Seleccione la lista a la que desea recurrir y la lista de números y haga clic en Datos > Ordenar. Ver captura de pantalla:
doc sort coincide con otra columna 3

3. Y en el Ordenar cuadro de diálogo, seleccione la columna que contiene las fórmulas de Columna lista desplegable y seleccione Nuestros Valores y Más pequeño a más grande del desplegable Ordenar por y Ordenar listas desplegables por separado. Ver captura de pantalla:
doc sort coincide con otra columna 4

4. Hacer clic en OK. Y la columna A está ordenada para que coincida con la columna C.
doc sort coincide con otra columna 5

Sugerencia: puede eliminar la columna de fórmula después de ordenar si ya no la necesita.

Ordene o seleccione rápidamente celdas / filas / columnas al azar de una selección en Excel

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doc ordenar al azar
doc seleccionar al azar
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Comments (25)
Rated 4.25 out of 5 · 2 ratings
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Gracias, me ahorraste horas de trabajo y aprendí algo nuevo.
Rated 5 out of 5
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Sorting data in rows to match respective column headers in excel.

What I want it to look like:

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What it looks like:

What I want it to look like:


can we do this in Excel?
Rated 3.5 out of 5
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Annn the formatting for that comment broke.

It would re-order it to:
0236 0236
0250 0250

Is what I meant by insert empty cells as needed in each column
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A lot of people are asking this question (on a 4 year old post) but I haven't found an answer.

I have 4 unique columns of time stamps from 4 sources. Not all the time stamps match up. I might have 0230, 0236, 0241, 0250 in one column and 0231, 0234, 0236, 0240, 0245, 0250, 0251 in another column. Is there away to have excel match the columns and insert empty cells as needed?
So instead of:
0230 0231
0236 0234
0241 0236 etc

It would re-order it to:
0236 0236
0250 0250

I have about 13,000 rows I need to do this to across 4 columns so adding by hand or inserting rows is not feasible.
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Hi, JOAT, you can use this formula:

See screenshot:
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Hi, Great article!
I am wondering. If in the example above, column A does not have the value G2, this means that the sorting operation will be out of sync; 1,3,4,5,6,7,8. (missing a match for G2 on row index 2). Assuming that we want the rest of the data to line up, how can we resolve this without manually changing each line?
Is it possible to displace column A and use column B as a row index instead?
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1 52 63 14 2 HOW CAN above two column data sort same data in one row
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It doesn't help if the info is not exactly the same in both columns eg. column 1 has C,D,B, A and column 2 has B,D,C,A,G,R,T,H. When sorting column A to match column B, they won't match up. Any solution for this?
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Sorry, the method only work while two columns have same numuber rows and same data but in different order.
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Please share some way to sort if the info is not exactly the same in both columns eg. column 1 has C,D,B, A and column 2 has B,D,C,A,G,R,T,H.
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Hey Sujith,

Did you find a solution because I have this exact problem. Please help
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How would the unique members of the resorted column be ordered? If they are numeric or alpha entries, then the ordering is simple; otherwise, it is less intuitive. May be easiest to isolate the 1-1 matching rows between the ref column and subject column, apply the ordering approach detailed above on that subset, then utilize a custom sort on the entire column as a final step. All of this is highly dependent on what type of data you have and ordering you expect to achieve.
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Thanks a lot for this post.. made my work a lot easier :)
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Anyone can help how to sort like below:

Column A is having and column B is having

1 1

1 2

2 1

2 2

But I need both column as




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I do not understand your problem, can you give me more details?
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