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¿Cómo identificar y seleccionar todas las celdas combinadas en Excel?

¿Sabes cómo buscar y seleccionar todas las celdas combinadas en Excel? Aquí hay tres formas interesantes y complicadas de identificar y seleccionar rápidamente todas las celdas combinadas en una selección o rango en Excel.

doc seleccionar celdas combinadas 4

Identifique y seleccione todas las celdas combinadas con el comando Buscar

Seleccione y cuente rápidamente todas las celdas combinadas con Kutools para Excel

Identifique todas las celdas combinadas con código VBA

Identifique y seleccione todas las celdas combinadas con el comando Buscar

Puede identificar y seleccionar todas las celdas combinadas en la hoja de trabajo activa por Encuentre comando con los siguientes pasos:

1. Haga clic en Inicio > Buscar y seleccionar > Encuentre para abrir el Buscar y reemplazar caja de diálogo. También puede abrir el Buscar y reemplazar cuadro de diálogo presionando el Ctrl + F llaves.

2. Haga clic en Formato en el cuadro de diálogo, (si no puede encontrar el Formato botón, haga clic en el Opciones para expandir el cuadro de diálogo) ver captura de pantalla:

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3. En el apareciendo Encontrar formato cuadro de diálogo, sólo marque la Combinar células opción en el Control de texto sección bajo Alineación pestaña y haga clic OK.

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4. Ahora vuelve al Buscar y reemplazar cuadro de diálogo, haga clic en Encuentra todos botón. Todas las celdas combinadas se enumeran en la parte inferior de este cuadro de diálogo. Seleccione todos los resultados de búsqueda manteniendo pulsado el Shift clave.

Ahora todas las celdas combinadas en la hoja activa se seleccionan cuando selecciona todos los resultados de búsqueda. Ver captura de pantalla:

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Consejos: Si solo desea identificar, buscar y seleccionar celdas combinadas en una selección, primero debe seleccionar el rango.

Seleccione y cuente todas las celdas combinadas con Kutools para Excel

Kutools for Excel's Seleccionar celdas combinadas La herramienta le ayudará a identificar, encontrar y seleccionar todas las celdas combinadas en una selección con un solo clic.

Kutools for Excel : con más de 300 prácticos complementos de Excel, prueba gratuita y sin límite en 30 días. 

Después de instalar Kutools for Excel, haz lo siguiente :( ¡Descarga gratis Kutools para Excel ahora! )

1. Seleccione el rango de datos en el que desea seleccionar las celdas combinadas.

2. Hacer clic Kutools > Seleccione > Seleccionar celdas combinadas, ver captura de pantalla:

3. Y todas las celdas fusionadas en la selección se han seleccionado a la vez, y el número de celdas fusionadas también se cuenta, vea la captura de pantalla:

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Consejo: Para utilizar esta función, debe instalar Kutools for Excel primero, por favor haga clic para descargar y tener una prueba gratuita de 30 días ahora.

Identifique todas las celdas combinadas con código VBA

VBA 1: Identifique y resalte todas las celdas combinadas

1. Mantenga pulsado el ALT + F11 llaves, y abre el Microsoft Visual Basic para aplicaciones ventana.

2. Hacer clic recuadro > Móduloy pegue la siguiente macro en el Módulo Ventana.

Sub FindMergedcells()
'updateby Extendoffice
Dim x As Range
For Each x In ActiveSheet.UsedRange
If x.MergeCells Then
x.Interior.ColorIndex = 8
End If
End Sub

3. presione el F5 clave para ejecutar esta macro. Todas las celdas combinadas en la hoja de trabajo activa se identifican y resaltan, vea la captura de pantalla:

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VBA 2: identifique y enumere todas las celdas combinadas

1. Mantenga pulsado el ALT + F11 llaves, y abre el Microsoft Visual Basic para aplicaciones ventana.

2. Hacer clic recuadroMóduloy pegue la siguiente macro en el Módulo Ventana.

Sub ListMergedcells()
'updateby Extendoffice
Dim x As Range
Dim sMsg As String
sMsg = ""
For Each x In ActiveSheet.UsedRange
If x.MergeCells Then
If sMsg = "" Then
sMsg = "Merged cells:" & vbCr
End If
sMsg = sMsg & Replace(x.Address, "$", "") & vbCr
End If
If sMsg = "" Then
sMsg = "No merged cells."
End If
MsgBox sMsg
End Sub

3. presione el F5 para ejecutar esta macro, todas las celdas combinadas se enumeran en un cuadro de diálogo emergente. Ver captura de pantalla:

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Comments (12)
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Is it possible to identify the first and the last column number of the merged range in vba?
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I require code to list merged ranges in a worksheet where the merged ranges are individually entered in cells starting at "A1" thus a3:c3 b2:b7 etc...........
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well done You are a star... Thanks :-)
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Very Nice thanks a lot
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Actually I just about went mental trying to fix this in a spreadsheet. In desperation I selected all the cells (control A) clicked "merge and centre" and presto! it was fixed.
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Probably obvious, but: In my last comment I should have made it clear you need to "select" each column, in turn, before scanning visually. Though really you only need to scan certain columns, I think: To the best of my knowledge, it's only cells containing text that will occasionally annex an adjoining cell, and numeric-only columns can be trusted not to do so. Even with text columns, you should be OK just checking every other column, because if any cell in the selected column has been involved in an annexation (to the right or from the left), that will show up in a visual scan of the selected column. I have never seen annexations occurring vertically, only horizontally. But if such a thing happened (a vertical annexation), you could try the same technique going row by row instead of column by column. The procedure is tedious, definitely. A royal pain, in fact. But if you have to sort your data, and Microsoft refuses to fix their bug, it's the only recourse I know of. Nowadays I try to remember to put a space character into each cell of the area I expect to use, prior to entering any other data, thus ensuring no annexations will occur.
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thank u this help me to find merged cell in my excel
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... so in the spreadsheet you spoke of, which was not set up with those protective space characters, my approach would be to visually scan each column which lies just to the right of any text column; and immediately after identifying & unmerging each occurrence, I would put a space character in the empty cell so the merging will not recur. Probably there's a VBA or other coding means to accomplish this much more efficiently. Anyone???
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Actually I think this can be avoided entirely, if you remember to do so before entering data into any text column. In my experience the only time cells are clandestinely merged is when an empty cell is to the right of a text cell, where normally the display of the text would be extended to take advantage of the otherwise unused display space provided by the empty cell. Therefore, when initially setting up your spreadsheet, before entering any data, you can fill every "susceptible" cell with a single space—as many rows down as you expect to have data to fill. That space will be honored like any other text, and the cell to the left will not annex it.
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If your spreadsheet is small (or you are desperate enough), the best way I've found is to select one column at a time and scroll all the way down to the bottom. Any merged cells will be obvious, because the entire merged cell is highlighted. You can then fix each one, one by one. But you risk wasting a lot of time doing this, since Excel continues to merge cells "behind your back" whenever it feels like doing so.* Therefore, cells you have just unmerged (or others which hadn't been merged before) may become merged while you believe you are finishing the unmerging process. I tried to find a way to completely disable the merging of cells but haven't found it. Better, of course, would be some way to keep Excel from engaging in this psychopathic behavior! *Yesterday, desperate, I did try to unmerge cells in a not-so-large spreadsheet (22 columns and fewer than 1,000 rows). Each time I thought I had finished and tried to sort, I got that same message. So then I tried another way to identify where the merged cells were—selecting a screenful of rows at a time and trying the sort on just those rows. Each time I got the message, I would try half the screenful at a time (etc.) until I identified the row(s) with merged cells. By going through the entire spreadsheet until each screenful had been successfully sorted, I figured the entire sort should work. But, NOT. Excel had been gleefully merging cells I had just unmerged. Please, someone, post a solution!
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