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¿Cómo convertir grados decimales a grados, minutos, segundos en Excel?

Autor: sol Última modificación: 2015-12-18

A veces, es posible que tenga una lista de datos mostrada como grados decimales en una hoja de trabajo, y ahora necesita convertir los grados decimales al formato de grados, minutos y segundos como se muestra en las siguientes capturas de pantalla, ¿cómo puede obtener la conversación rápidamente en Excel?

Convierta grados decimales a grados, minutos, segundos con VBA

Convierta grados, minutos, segundos a grados decimales con VBA

flecha azul burbuja derecha Convierta grados decimales a grados, minutos, segundos con VBA

Siga los pasos a continuación para convertir grados decimales a grados, minutos y segundos con código VBA.

1. Sostener ALT botón y prensa F11 en el teclado para abrir un Microsoft Visual Basic para aplicaciones ventana.

2. Hacer clic en recuadro > Móduloy copie el VBA en el módulo.

VBA: convierte grados decimales en grados, minutos y segundos

Sub ConvertDegree()
'Update 20130815
Dim Rng As Range
Dim WorkRng As Range
On Error Resume Next
xTitleId = "KutoolsforExcel"
Set WorkRng = Application.Selection
Set WorkRng = Application.InputBox("Range", xTitleId, WorkRng.Address, Type:=8)
For Each Rng In WorkRng
    num1 = Rng.Value
    num2 = (num1 - Int(num1)) * 60
    num3 = Format((num2 - Int(num2)) * 60, "00")
    Rng.Value = Int(num1) & "°" & Int(num2) & "'" & Int(num3) & "''"
End Sub

3. Hacer clic en Ejecutar botón o prensa F5 para ejecutar el VBA.

4. Aparece un cuadro de diálogo en la pantalla, y puede seleccionar las celdas que desea convertir. Ver captura de pantalla:

5. Hacer clic en OK, luego los datos seleccionados se convierten en grados, minutos y segundos. Ver captura de pantalla:

Consejo: El uso del código VBA anterior perderá sus datos originales, por lo que será mejor que copie los datos antes de ejecutar el código.

flecha azul burbuja derecha Convierta grados, minutos, segundos a grados decimales con VBA

A veces, es posible que desee convertir los datos en formato de grados / minutos / segundos a grados decimales, el siguiente código VBA puede ayudarlo a hacerlo rápidamente.

1. Sostener ALBotón T y presione F11 en el teclado para abrir una ventana de Microsoft Visual Basic para aplicaciones.

2. Hacer clic en recuadro > Móduloy copie el VBA en el módulo.

VBA: convierte grados, minutos y segundos a grados decimales

Function ConvertDecimal(pInput As String) As Double
Dim xDeg As Double
Dim xMin As Double
Dim xSec As Double
xDeg = Val(Left(pInput, InStr(1, pInput, "°") - 1))
xMin = Val(Mid(pInput, InStr(1, pInput, "°") + 2, _
             InStr(1, pInput, "'") - InStr(1, pInput, _
             "°") - 2)) / 60
xSec = Val(Mid(pInput, InStr(1, pInput, "'") + _
            2, Len(pInput) - InStr(1, pInput, "'") - 2)) _
            / 3600
ConvertDecimal = xDeg + xMin + xSec
End Function

3. Guarde el código y cierre la ventana, seleccione una celda en blanco, por ejemplo, la Celda A1, ingrese esta fórmula = ConvertDecimal ("10 ° 27 '36" "") ("10 ° 27 '36" "" representa el grado que desea convertir a grado decimal, puede cambiarlo según lo necesite), luego haga clic en Participar botón. Ver capturas de pantalla:

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Comments (16)
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WRONG calculation results... 29°30'13" 34°55'4" ---> 29.00083333 34.08333333
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The code has a assumes there is a space after ° and '. Change the 2's to 1's in the code to solve it.
Function ConvertDecimal(pInput As String) As Double
Dim xDeg As Double
Dim xMin As Double
Dim xSec As Double
xDeg = Val(Left(pInput, InStr(1, pInput, "°") - 1))
xMin = Val(Mid(pInput, InStr(1, pInput, "°") + 1, _
InStr(1, pInput, "'") - InStr(1, pInput, _
"°") - 1)) / 60
xSec = Val(Mid(pInput, InStr(1, pInput, "'") + _
1, Len(pInput) - InStr(1, pInput, "'") - 1)) _
/ 3600
ConvertDecimal = xDeg + xMin + xSec
End Function
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Works like a champ! Thanks for sharing!!!
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Check your results. this code is wrong.
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please i want you help and write a computer program on paper to convert decimal of degree to degree minute and second. 317.5986740026 from ahans.
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step 1, Multiply numbers after decimal with 60 (0.5986740026*60)minutes=35.92044015 mean 35 mints
spet 2, multiply the decimal after minute ie 0.9204401*60=55.2264
so 317 degree 35 minuts 55 sec
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Not sure whats wrong with the code in the post from Ernie, but this is what I use to convert decimal degrees to DMS degrees in the spread sheet without using VB. The reference to the cell E33 is the cell containing the decimal degrees value. =CONCAT(FIXED(INT(B32), 0) , "°", FIXED(((B32 - INT(B32)) * 60), 0), "'", FIXED(((B32 - INT(B32) - INT(B32 - INT(B32))) * 3600), 0 ,TRUE), """) Good luck.
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Hello, I used the scrip to convert decimal to DMS however the code is wrong somewhere as it turned out 37.856908,-120.912469 to 37D 51M 25S, -121D 5M 15S This is way off.... Anyone have a fix for this?
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works great but how would i adapt the code to get more numbers for seconds?
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I want to plot the positions on a map and we not worry about N, S, E or W. I'm sure these could be added in with "if" statements. I have just used a very simple line of functions within the Excel spreadsheet. I want to go from Degrees (Decimal) to Degrees, Seconds (Decimal) Changing the negative values to positives as I know which hemispheres I am in. For me, cell E4 contained the target Lat or Long (Decimal). This is a bit easier than putting in some VBA code and can be enlarged to do DD,MM,SS =CONCATENATE(TRUNC(ABS(E4)),"°",FIXED((ABS(E4)-TRUNC(ABS(E4)))*60,2),"'")
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Found this code very helpful. Great stuff!
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The most important thing to realize is that you cannot simply use superscript and small letter o for the degree symbol - this may be obvious to some, but not to me. I tried the superscript letter o and it did not work, I deleted the superscript letter o, and used Alt 0176 for the actual degree symbol and it worked!! I am confused as to why after the seconds there are extra sets of double quotes? 36""") whereas in the subsequent comment if one simply uses =ConvertDecimal(A1) only a single set of quotes are used for seconds. Odd we can use single and double quotes and the thing works for minutes and seconds but superscript letter o does not? To check 27/60 = .45 smf 36/3600 = .01 add the two = .46 and add that to the degrees = 10.46 degrees. Hope this helps others? Mort
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