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¿Cómo generar o enumerar todas las posibles permutaciones en Excel?

Autor: Xiaoyang Última modificación: 2020-05-08

Por ejemplo, tengo tres caracteres XYZ, ahora quiero enumerar todas las posibles permutaciones basadas en estos tres caracteres para obtener seis resultados diferentes como este: XYZ, XZY, YXZ, YZX, ZXY y ZYX. En Excel, ¿cómo podría generar o enumerar rápidamente todas las permutaciones basadas en diferentes números de caracteres?

Genere o enumere todas las permutaciones posibles basadas en caracteres con código VBA

flecha azul burbuja derecha Genere o enumere todas las permutaciones posibles basadas en caracteres con código VBA

El siguiente código VBA puede ayudarlo a enumerar todas las permutaciones en función de su número específico de letras, haga lo siguiente:

1. Mantenga pulsado el ALT + F11 teclas para abrir el Microsoft Visual Basic para aplicaciones ventana.

2. Hacer clic recuadro > Móduloy pegue el siguiente código en el Módulo Ventana.

Código de VBA: enumere todas las permutaciones posibles en Excel

Sub GetString()
'Updateby Extendoffice
    Dim xStr As String
    Dim FRow As Long
    Dim xScreen As Boolean
    xScreen = Application.ScreenUpdating
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    xStr = Application.InputBox("Enter text to permute:", "Kutools for Excel", , , , , , 2)
    If Len(xStr) < 2 Then Exit Sub
    If Len(xStr) >= 8 Then
        MsgBox "Too many permutations!", vbInformation, "Kutools for Excel"
        Exit Sub
        FRow = 1
        Call GetPermutation("", xStr, FRow)
    End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = xScreen
End Sub
Sub GetPermutation(Str1 As String, Str2 As String, ByRef xRow As Long)
    Dim i As Integer, xLen As Integer
    xLen = Len(Str2)
    If xLen < 2 Then
        Range("A" & xRow) = Str1 & Str2
        xRow = xRow + 1
        For i = 1 To xLen
            Call GetPermutation(Str1 + Mid(Str2, i, 1), Left(Str2, i - 1) + Right(Str2, xLen - i), xRow)
    End If
End Sub

3. Entonces presione F5 para ejecutar este código, y aparece un cuadro emergente para recordarle que ingrese los caracteres que desea enumerar todas las permutaciones, vea la captura de pantalla:

permutaciones de lista de documentos 1

4. Después de ingresar los caracteres, haga clic en OK , todas las posibles permutaciones se muestran en la columna A de la hoja de trabajo activa. Ver captura de pantalla:

permutaciones de lista de documentos 2

Note: Si la longitud de caracteres introducida es igual o superior a 8 caracteres, este código no funcionará porque hay demasiadas permutaciones.

permutaciones de lista de documentos 3

Enumere o genere todas las combinaciones posibles de varias columnas

Si necesita generar todas las combinaciones posibles basadas en datos de múltiples columnas, tal vez no haya una buena manera de abordar la tarea. Pero, Kutools for Excel's Listar todas las combinaciones La utilidad puede ayudarle a enumerar todas las combinaciones posibles de forma rápida y sencilla. ¡Haga clic para descargar Kutools para Excel!

doc lista todas las combinaciones

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Comments (13)
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Olá !

Como faço para gerar pelo menos 10 permutações ?
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Hello, Mateus,
To solve your problem, please apply the below code:(Note: if there are more than 8 characters, the code will execute slowly.)
Sub GetString()
'Updateby Extendoffice
    Dim xStr As String
    Dim FRow As Long
    Dim FC As Integer
    Dim xScreen As Boolean
    Dim xNumber As Long
    xNumber = 10 ' This is the max length of the characters you can change it to 11, 12, you need
    xScreen = Application.ScreenUpdating
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    xStr = Application.InputBox("Enter text to permute:", "Kutools for Excel", , , , , , 2)
    If Len(xStr) < 2 Then Exit Sub
    If Len(xStr) > xNumber Then
        MsgBox "Too many permutations!", vbInformation, "Kutools for Excel"
        Exit Sub
        FRow = 1
        FC = 1
        Call GetPermutation("", xStr, FRow, FC)
    End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = xScreen
End Sub
Sub GetPermutation(Str1 As String, Str2 As String, ByRef xRow As Long, ByRef xc As Integer)
    Dim i As Integer, xLen As Integer
    xLen = Len(Str2)
    If xLen < 2 Then
        If xRow > 1000000 Then
            xc = xc + 1
            xRow = 1
        End If
       ActiveSheet.Cells(xRow, xc) = Str1 & Str2
        xRow = xRow + 1
        For i = 1 To xLen
            Call GetPermutation(Str1 + Mid(Str2, i, 1), Left(Str2, i - 1) + Right(Str2, xLen - i), xRow, xc)
    End If
End Sub

Please have a try, hope it can help you!
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Hi there, if the input string contains duplicate chars, then the sub produces duplicate permutations.
This does not happen if you make the following modification the the loop:

' ==========================
For i = 1 To xLen
If Instr( Left(Str2, i - 1), Mid(Str2, i, 1) ) = 0 then
Call GetPermutation(Str1 + Mid(Str2, i, 1), Left(Str2, i - 1) + Right(Str2, xLen - i), xRow)
End if
' ==========================

Creating temporary local variables for Mid(Str2, i, 1) and for Left(Str2, i - 1), and avoiding the test for i=1 makes it go faster:

' ==========================
Sub GetPermutation(Str1 As String, Str2 As String, ByRef xRow As Long)
Dim i As Integer, xLen As Integer, Str2left as String, c as String
xLen = Len(Str2)
If xLen < 2 Then
Range("A" & xRow) = Str1 & Str2
xRow = xRow + 1
Call GetPermutation(Str1 + Mid(Str2, 1, 1), Right(Str2, xLen - 1), xRow)
For i = 2 To xLen
c = Mid(Str2, i, 1)
Str2left = Left(Str2, i - 1)
If Instr( Str2left, c ) = 0 then
Call GetPermutation(Str1 + c, Str2left + Right(Str2, xLen - i), xRow)
End If
End If
End Sub
' ==========================

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who can send me a list of 10 diferent items permutatted by 2 outcomes. this code doe

snt work on this
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peki bunu listeleyecek bir program uygulama yok mu?basit sıradan bir hesaplamadan daha fazlasına ihtiyacı olan ne yapacak?
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this code will not work because there are two many permutations

should be:

this code will not work because there are too many permutations

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Hello, MC,
Thank you for your warm reminder, it is my mistake. I have corrected it.
Thanks a lot!
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Hello everyone. I need help on this. I have two alphabets to be permutated in 20 rows. But am not getting it right. Anyone who could help me out should send the permutation to my email. .

1.a b b a
2.a a b b
3.a a b b
4.a a b b
5.a a b b
6.a a b b
7.a a b b
8.a a b b
9.a a b b
10.a a b b
11.a a b b
12.a a b b
13.a a b b
14.a a b b
15.a a b b
16.a a b b
17.a a b b
18.a a b b
19.a a b b
20.a a b b
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How many sequences of 3things can be formed from 7 different things replacement and order is important?
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3 to the power of 7: 2187
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in the first sub clear all cells... not just the first row

Sub GetPermutation(Str1 As String, Str2 As String, ByRef xRow As Long)
Dim i As Integer, xLen As Integer
xLen = Len(Str2)
If xLen < 2 Then
'move to the next column when you get to 100
Cells(((xRow - 1) Mod 100) + 1, 1 + Int(xRow / 100)) = Str1 & Str2
xRow = xRow + 1
For i = 1 To xLen
Call GetPermutation(Str1 + Mid(Str2, i, 1), Left(Str2, i - 1) + Right(Str2, xLen - i), xRow)
End If
End Sub
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Im trying to get a permutation for 82 characters, the code provided works, but, since the columns are only 1048576, I want to move the next output in B,C,D..... Can any of you help me on this regard
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Hello, Im doing a small project using permutation and combination rules. I need your support on this please. Scenario: I have 13 digit alpha numeric data (00SHGO8BJIDG0) I want a coding to interchange S to 5, I to 1 and O to 0 and vise versa. The project is that if I have the correct 13 digit data I will receive a 3 digit pass code. (eg) 00SHG08BJ1DG0 - 500 is the pass code but because of wrong typo that is instead of 1 it was I and 0 it was O there is a wrong info. can you please help me.
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