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 ¿Cómo seleccionar una columna basada en el encabezado de columna en Excel?

Autor: Xiaoyang Última modificación: 2017-12-05

Supongamos que tiene una hoja de trabajo grande que contiene varias columnas y, ahora, le gustaría seleccionar la columna específica según el nombre de un encabezado de columna. Para encontrar columna por columna en una hoja de trabajo grande, perderá mucho tiempo, en este artículo, presentaré un método rápido para resolver este trabajo en Excel.

Seleccione una columna según el nombre del encabezado de la columna con código VBA

Seleccione una columna según el nombre del encabezado de la columna con código VBA

El siguiente código VBA puede ayudarlo a seleccionar las columnas en función de un nombre de encabezado específico, haga lo siguiente:

1. Mantenga pulsado el ALT + F11 teclas para abrir el Microsoft Visual Basic para aplicaciones ventana.

2. Hacer clic recuadro > Móduloy pegue el siguiente código en el Módulo Ventana.

Código de VBA: seleccione la columna según el nombre del encabezado de la columna:

Sub FindAddressColumn()
'Updateby Extendoffcie
    Dim xRg As Range
    Dim xRgUni As Range
    Dim xFirstAddress As String
    Dim xStr As String
    On Error Resume Next
    xStr = "Name"
    Set xRg = Range("A1:P1").Find(xStr, , xlValues, xlWhole, , , True)
    If Not xRg Is Nothing Then
        xFirstAddress = xRg.Address
            Set xRg = Range("A1:P1").FindNext(xRg)
            If xRgUni Is Nothing Then
                Set xRgUni = xRg
                Set xRgUni = Application.Union(xRgUni, xRg)
            End If
        Loop While (Not xRg Is Nothing) And (xRg.Address <> xFirstAddress)
    End If
End Sub

Note: En el código anterior, A1: P1 es el rango de encabezados de los que desea seleccionar columnas y "Nombre"En el guión xStr = "Nombre" es el nombre del encabezado en el que desea seleccionar las columnas. Cámbielos según sus necesidades.

3. Después de copiar y pegar el código, presione F5 clave para ejecutar este código, y todas las columnas con el nombre de encabezado específico se han seleccionado a la vez, vea la captura de pantalla:

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Comments (8)
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Good job, works great!
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Hi everyone...

How can I make it so that only the column data is selected, without the header, instead of the entire column?

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Thank you spo much saved my day !
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Thanks - at first it seemed to work, but then I noticed it didn't include the first-found column - it started with the second and on.

Which is explainable: you set xRg twice, but you do not include the first one.

TBH: initially I thought it worked fine, but then that 'error' showed up and I had to figure out why....

I fixed it as follows: (in Excel the comments will turn green and show my edits: '***)


Sub FindAddressColumn()

'Updateby Extendoffcie

Dim xRg As Range

Dim xRgUni As Range

Dim xFirstAddress As String

Dim xStr As String

On Error Resume Next
xStr = "Name"
Set xRg = Range("A1:P1").Find(xStr, , xlValues, xlPart, , , True)

If Not xRg Is Nothing Then

xFirstAddress = xRg.Address


If xRgUni Is Nothing Then

Set xRgUni = Range(xFirstAddress) '*** Using the first-found range


Set xRgUni = Application.Union(xRgUni, xRg)

End If

Set xRg = Range("A1:P1").FindNext(xRg) '*** Now searching for the second/next ones

Loop While (Not xRg Is Nothing) And (xRg.Address <> xFirstAddress)

End If


End Sub


This now works for me, but I hope to learn from you if I overlooked anything.
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Hi, Can you suggest the macro for the issue mentioned below by Shaun
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Hi, looks great work. But I am getting the compile error: Argument not optional while highlighting the ". Union". What should I do?
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This is great, but what if I wanted to copy say, CustomerName, OrderNumber, OrderDate, FulfillmentDate, OrderStatus from Sheet1 with many more columns.
How do I only specify the columns that are needed to be copied to another sheet? This seems to only specify one column.
I have tried some things, but the problem is more where the columns are not necesarily in the same order on the source sheet. The source data in Sheet1 is pasted from the Windows clipboard to the Excel sheet.

It may be, CustomerName, OrderDate, OrderNumber, OrderStatusm FulfillmentDate or some other order.

I need them to be copied into a new sheet in a specific order as there are formulas in Sheet2 that are applied to what is copied from Sheet1 to Sheet2.

Other than shifting columns around after pasting from Windows clipboard, I can't figure this out.

Please help if possible.

Thank you kindly for the above though.
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Dim xRg As Range
Dim xRgUni As Range
Dim xFirstAddress As String
Dim xStr As String

Are variables being declared.

Hence to use the above code again for another column you would have to declare new variables.

Dim xRg2 As Range
Dim xRgUni2 As Range
Dim xFirstAddress2 As String
Dim xStr2 As String

And replace every instance of xRg with xRg2 in the code ect. Does that make sense?
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